A Guide to Creating Branded Content for Tiktok

Tiktok advertising for businesses is still relatively new, so knowing how to produce the right video for promotion is key. In this guide, we will look into some top tips and practises for creating branded content on Tiktok, with advice from the platform itself…

Tell a story

Storytelling is a popular theme on Tiktok, and you can utilise this for an advertisement. It is a great way to connect with your audience and provide insight into who you are as a business and what products you have to offer. Questions you could answer within the video could be:

—  What was the motivation for starting your business?

—  What is your business’ culture/work-life like?

—  What happens behind the scenes of your business?

Source: Tiktok

Product highlight

If you are selling a product, showcasing this in your Tiktok video is also something you can do. Some points to consider to inspire your video could be:

— How does your product solve a problem/need?

— What are the key features of the product or service you sell? E.g. price, variations etc.

— What happens after someone uses your product? Do they feel happier, healthier, more relaxed?

Source: Tiktok

The power of the customer

If product showcasing isn’t appropriate or you alternatively provide a service, getting a verbal testimonial from a customer is a great way to detail the benefit of what your business has to offer from someone who has tried and tested it for themselves. A few pointers to get you started could include:

— How can customers share the value of your product or service?

— How has your product or service changed someone’s life or routine?

— How do you use your product? Complete a step-by-step.

Source: Tiktok

There are almost unlimited ways you can create the right video for advertising on Tiktok, and with advice available from the platform on timing, camera angles and even content ideas, there is no reason why you can’t experiment with the Tiktok advertising world.

For advice and assistance with paid advertising on Tiktok and other platforms, get in touch with us here.

Austin Walters
Austin Walters

Austin Walters is Operations Director at WSA The Communications Agency. He steers the agency’s digital offering and works with all departments and marketing disciplines. Austin writes about business modernisation, management, sales and digital marketing. A young son, a busy job and social life mean that leisure time can be hard to come by, but he spends it keeping active and can often be found running, hiking, surfing or bending into shapes.

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